Running alongside our two current programs we have added 98 Lockdown, a bodyweight program that has been specifically developed for our current situation in Sydney. Jump on the discussion board where you’ll have our coaches available daily to answer your questions and provide feedback throughout the week.
This is just another chance to enhance your resolve. By changing the stimulus we place on our bodies, we help it develop and continue to grow stronger, fitter and faster.
Train hard, train smart.
Warm Up
2 Rounds
10 x Deadbugs
15 x Side Plank Hip Touch
10 x Glute Walk Outs
10 x Hamstring Squat
10 x Band Pull Apart
10 x Pillar to Plank
4 Rounds
20 x Air Squat
10 x Push Up
3 min 90-95% MHR Ski/Row/Bike/Run
2 min rest between rounds
3 min rest
4 Rounds
15 x Burpee
Plus 10 x Lateral Lunge (each side)
3 min 90-95% MHR Ski/Row/Bike/Run
2 min rest between rounds