“Lift as heavy as you can, as often as you can, while staying as fresh and recovered as you can. That’s the simplest way to explain strength training and how to get strong.”
–Kevin Toonen
Warm Up
5 Rounds
25 x Barbell/KB Squat
25 x Banded Good Morning
*No break between sets and reps
*Add weight to the bar/increase band tension
3 x 3 Standing Long Jump
1 min rest between sets
4 x 2 Back Squat
At 87-90% 1RM
2-3 mins rest between sets
4 x 5 Barbell RDL
At 65-70% Back Squat 1RM
1 min rest between sets
5 sets
5 x Box Jumps
10 x Heavy Goblet Squat
1 min rest between sets